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February 15, 2010


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Tes personnages sont trooop mignons!!!


Line Atallah

I love my purple hair!! :) Good job!


oooohhh...la..la! LOOOOOVE it!! ;)



you should've showed off your neon socks!!

looks like a lot of fun!


po pire zinette po pire! :)


this was so funny
reminds me when u see great shows and u want to try it on then oops!!! lebsé kelsité el ma5zou2!!!!heheh


i mean shoes looool, my bad :$


Trop cute ce que t'as fait la... encore une fois!! J'adore!! :D


thx K :)


thank all!
Elvy j'aurais montré mes socks if they were pink ( goes with the zurbaines color palette )
Liz : thnx!
Lama : LOOL !!!!
Audrwey : Merciiii :)

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