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October 09, 2009


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I like!


Really nice draw !! If it wasn't for the flag it could be anywhere ;)


So true, so maingate, miss those days, the pic is so nice

Line Atallah

Good job Zina! I've never been to AUB, but that is funny.


More on AUB ! It's one of my big regret in life :D


LOL, that's AUB for sure.
I understand the cat, the sit-ins, the "epi d'or" in the background, the guitar playing, THE ID CHECK... But how in the hell do you know about the G-String hehe
I remember there used to be a girl, who would sit on the stairs to College Hall, her back to Main Gate. She used to wear jeans Hyper Taille Basse so her string used to go as high as her love handles :S
This used to happen on Fridays... Shou kenet te3jo2 3al Main gate on FRIDAY!!!


Even though I spent only one semester at AUB, your drawing got me back nostalgic memories.


hahahah THIS is AUB main gate!
story of our lives for 3 years!


hahahah amazing drawings Zina!!!

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Lovely image! Is Twin Peaks really as good as advertized? I’m fairly familiar with the world and its lexicon, but I’ve never seen an episode. Is it worth watching?

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